Bridgestone expands the application proportion of renewable energy

Recently, Bridgestone announced that the company has successfully converted all the electricity consumed by six tire factories and one steel cord factory in Japan into renewable energy. At present, the company has fully achieved energy transformation in 9 tire factories and 1 cord factory in Japan. The company is also undergoing renewable energy transformation for two other chemical and industrial product factories and planning to systematically expand the proportion of renewable energy usage.

In 2021, the company announced its transition to renewable energy and achieved 100% renewable energy power supply for four tire factories. Bridgestone plans to transition the power consumed by all its bases to renewable energy, and accelerate carbon dioxide emission reduction by expanding solar power generation and improving energy efficiency.

Bridgestone aims to reduce the absolute carbon dioxide emissions by 50% by 2030 compared with 2011, and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. According to the stage goal, Bridgestone hopes that by 2023, more than 50% of its electricity will come from renewable energy, and by 2030, it will achieve about 100% of its renewable energy applications. In addition, renewable energy has been used in all Bridgestone plants in Europe and two plants in Tianjin and Wuxi, China. Bridgestone has also started to use solar energy in factories in Japan, Thailand, the United States and Europe.

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