Global demand for lithium batteries will grow more than fivefold by 2030

According to a report recently released by the US public and private partnership Li Bridge, global demand for lithium batteries will surge more than fivefold by 2030.

The report points out that compared to now, the demand for lithium batteries in the United States is expected to increase more than six times by 2030, reaching $55 billion. The report also predicts that the United States’ supply will heavily rely on imports. At present, the United States lacks a substantial lithium battery supply chain and secure access to energy materials, with less than 30% of the batteries consumed in the country being supplied by domestic companies in the United States.

Li Bridge is an organization led by Argonne National Laboratory funded by the United States Department of Energy in 2021. The organization aims to bridge the gap between battery supply and growing demand by accelerating the establishment of a strong lithium battery supply chain between the public and private sectors.

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